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  • Writer's pictureChristian Momma

It's OK (not) to be OK

As I mentioned in a previous blog post, I like to write when I'm feeling inspired. I've promised myself that this blog would always be intentional and honest, but sometimes I'm finding that means the time between posts is a bit long. I'm sure you can imagine, then, my typical state of mind, the state of my laundry room, etc. HA! However, today I'm feeling just that: inspired.. So, buckle up, here we go.

I was listening to the radio this morning when I heard whomever it was that I was listening to say "it's ok not to be ok", but also, "it's ok to be ok." I thought this was very appropriate in relation to the last couple of weeks that I've had. Mommas, I've had some high highs and some low lows. I've found myself on cloud nine and then on my bathroom floor in a puddle of tears, sometimes in a matter of minutes (I think there's a diagnosis for that.) Ha. Kidding ! And yet, I'm sure that I'm not alone. We've all heard the saying, "be kind, you never know what sort of battles people are fighting", and it's so true. We've all been through stuff. Heavy stuff, family stuff, kid stuff. Not fun stuff. Whether it's been in the last week; the last month; or maybe it's been a while, but it still weighs heavy on your heart, it's still stuff and it isn't super fun. Ultimately, though, it's what shapes us and I also know for me, personally, it's definitely helped grow my faith.

It's mentioned often in the Bible that God walks beside us in the valley. In those low lows. The on-the-bathroom-floor-in-a-puddle lows. In Deuteronomy, He promises to never leave nor forsake us. In Psalm, He tells us to "be still and know.."; to find confidence in Him. Psalms also reminds us to give our cares to God and He will "sustain" us. There are countless reminders that we can and should trust in Him and know that we're taken care of because of how well He loves us. I hope this provides you with as much hope as it does to me. We can lean on Him. We can call on Him. When we can't, He can. And He promises, He will. I feel so blessed to know and feel this truth.

And for some, the Bible is too intimidating or too much of a stretch. And to those that find themselves saying, "Yes ! That's me !", that's ok. It took me a while too. But what I would encourage you to do, then (along with my bible-reading mommas), is to find people. Good people. Build a community of people that will walk alongside you and love you through whatever it is that you're going through. We're built for community and connection and I truly believe it's so important to have (even just a few) people that you can call on and know will be there for you. I feel blessed knowing that I have this as well. I say it often, but I truly feel as if I'm surrounded by some of God's best. I have all sorts of people in my life that are willing to pour into me and love me even when I find it difficult to do those things on my own. Mommas, find yourself some of those people. Your people. And to my people - thank you !

So, it's ok not to be ok. But, what if, as you're reading this, you're thinking, "I really feel ok. I feel like things are going well for me." That's ok too ! "It's ok to be ok." God's with us on the mountaintops too. I know when I'm feeling like this, there's almost a sense of guilt that's associated with it. "How can I be the recipient of this blessing while others are struggling?" Or the infamous, "Things can't be this good forever, I'm just waiting for the storm." Oh Mommas, the sleep I've lost with that thought on my mind. Thankfully, we can find confidence in knowing that "storms" aren't guaranteed; and if we someday find ourselves in one, I'm convinced God has created beautiful rainbows for this exact purpose.

Mommas, I hope this finds you more than ok. I hope this finds you over-the-moon fantastic. But, if it doesn't, hang in there. Try a prayer. Try a bible verse or an encouraging manuscript. Reach out to your people. Lean on them. Lean on Him. And always know... our God loves you more than you could ever imagine.

Thanks for reading along.

Until next time...


(Ok) Christian Momma

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