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  • Writer's pictureChristian Momma

Makin' a Splash

I'm diving in. I'm making a splash.

Now I feel like it should be noted here that (I think) perfect dives don't make much of a splash. That's actually great because I'm not perfect, I'm not always going to get it right, but I'm going to try and hopefully by the end of this, you'll feel encouraged to join me in this challenge.

I've recently been involved in a study at church titled "Rooted." Its design is to get you to really dive deep into some questions, conversations, and ideas that Jesus has for us. Last week I was challenged by a question that asked, "Where in your life have you seen Jesus 'disguised' as someone in need ?" This was a totally different concept for me. In the past, when I've seen those that are struggling, I've never "seen Jesus". I've always known that Jesus was walking alongside them in their hurt, but I've never actually thought that that individual was Jesus. This was the exact reality check that I needed because it changed things for me. I felt a bit convicted. A bit challenged.

I know in my heart that if saw actual Jesus stranded on the side of the road, sick in a hospital, struggling with mental health, (insert any difficult situation here), that I would want to be the first person to stop and make a difference. Why is it different though if it isn't Jesus himself and instead it's one of His children? So. I'm feeling challenged to step up. To step in. Knowing that that is what He would want me to do and how He designed me to be.

I've felt encouraged the last few weeks to re-set my heart. To refocus. I've spent a lot of time up until now really trying to get to know Jesus. To know His character. To know His heart. To understand the plan that He has for my life. And I don't want that to ever end. I always want to be pursuing Him. As I'm learning, though, I've decided I want to take this a step further. I want to know Him and I want to "be Him".

Now, I just want to set the record straight here. Notice the quotes above. I'm not trying to sound like a crazy person. I know I'm not God. I know I'm not perfect. I'll never be either, however, as I'm learning more about Jesus and who He is and what He did for you and I, I'm learning that He wants me to be His hands and feet. He wants me to mirror Him. To be just like Him.

As I look around, I see, and I'm sure you do too, some scary things happening in our world. Can we agree that our world would be a better place if a bunch of us stood up and said, "Gosh, I'm gonna be Jesus. In this circumstance, for you, right now, in this moment; I'm going to be Jesus."?

I've also felt a bit convicted and challenged these last few weeks that, although I want to make a big splash, first I'm going to make a small one. I've had to say "no" to a few opportunities that were presented to me that seemed to definitely be fruitful callings. Callings that, I imagine, would make Jesus smile. Definitely opportunities for me to step in and "be Jesus" for someone. However, I've decided that I'm starting really close to home. I'm starting with my babies. I've felt really called lately to start creating my splash right within the four walls of my own home. I've felt challenged to show my babies what it looks like to be Jesus. Because then ! If we can get this right at home, I'm gonna show up with three additional Jesus' and we're going to make an even bigger splash. We're going to make a difference. I'm going to slow down and show them patience. I'm going to exemplify kindness. I'm going to exhibit humility. I'm going to be generous. All the things, we're going to do it.

Now if you're like me, I've asked myself the question, "Well, what have you been doing this whole time? Your oldest is seven, you're just starting this now? Girl, the train has already left the station." And to that I would answer, "This is true." I think up to this point I've been trying to show them how to be by being and encouraging them to also be, but this, this feels a little more intentional. A little zoomed in. It feels like I'm going to take what I've been doing and turn the volume up a little louder.

I'm wondering if you, momma, want to challenge yourself to walk alongside me in this? Do you want to live a little more intentionally, no matter what that means to you? Do you want to live a little more purposefully and allow your babies to be witnesses to it? Do you want to turn up your volume a little louder with the things that really matter?

I'd like to encourage you to reread my initial paragraph. I'm not always going to get it right, but I'm going to try my hardest to be and become a little better, a little brighter, a little more Jesus.

Until next time....


(Reintroduced) Christian Momma

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