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  • Writer's pictureChristian Momma

Miracles upon Miracles

Hi Mommas !

I was in conversation this morning that left me reflecting on the miracles that I'm surrounded by. It was truly humbling and I couldn't help but share. If you've been reading along for a while, my past few posts have mentioned the blessing of expecting baby number three and since it's been so long.. I'm thrilled to announce that she's here. Yes SHE ! Our sweet girl was born right on her due date, and though it was a crazy experience, to say the least, everything went flawlessly. The conversation that was had this morning, though, took place last summer. Take a look back with me....

Last summer, I took my kids to our local, neighborhood park. It was just an ordinary, sunny, Wisconsin summer day. - It's so fun to see how God works in the ordinary, the mundane, in our day-to-day, routine lives. I thought this was an ordinary day, however, in hindsight, it was anything but.

So my kiddos and I are at the park and with us, is a little girl with her dad. Per usual, my kids invited her to play which sparked (minimal) friendly conversation amongst us. It wasn't long before the sweet little girl came and sat real close to me on the bench. This sweet, little thang sat so close that her dad apologized for her lack of ability to recognize the potential desire for me to "maintain my personal bubble". I couldn't have cared less; she was sweet and chatty - she wanted to be sure that I was on the up-n-up of when her birthday was, the last family trip they had taken to the ocean, her favorite color, etc, - you know, all the important stuff in a four-year-old's world. Naturally, her dad started in on the conversation as most of us mommies and daddies would.. "Ok, that's enough... Well, that's not exactly how that happened.... Ok, let's go play now..." (You get the idea). This encouraged her dad and I to continue the conversation... "Kids say the darndest things..." Our conversation was typical, pretty benign. This eventually led (with God's prompting, I'm convinced) to what his wife did for a living, "...she's a chiropractor. ...she specializes in couples who struggle with fertility." All this time I'm listening until it dawns on me... Wait, What?! He continues on, so sweetly bragging about his wife and all her accomplishments. He then says something along the lines of, "If you would ever need her services, I'd highly recommend you and your husband going to see her." Keep in mind, this man doesn't know me from Adam. He didn't know about our previous 14 months. He didn't know that we had desired to have more children but were struggling. He had no idea that we had been praying, waiting on God's response. He had no idea he was placed there, that day, to answer our prayers. As I was reflecting this morning, I have no doubt that God had done just that. He placed this man in front of me whom loved his wife so much and was so proud of her and wanted to share all things about her, and it just happened to be exactly what I (didn't even know I) was searching for. It felt like she was exactly what we needed. As the conversation ended, he even said (something like), "I'm so sorry, I don't even know you or what your story is, but I'm just so proud of her and what she's able to do." Gosh, it gives me goosebumps. He didn't know me, but He does and is willing to use any seemingly mundane situation or person to accomplish His goals and carry out His promises and plans of redemption. I felt so seen and loved in that moment. How incredibly humbling.

I went home to share the news with my husband. I was ecstatic. He was skeptical. However, Mommas, I'm married to a man that is always willing to entertain my crazy ideas, even if he hardly agrees or is pretty sure, at times, I've lost my ever-loving mind. I definitely have one of the good ones; I 10/10 recommend.

Anyway, it wasn't long before we got started on our "treatment plan"; she provided us with an approximate timeline and I'm not even joking when I tell you, it was 18 days shy of her projected window of time that I saw that long-awaited positive sign on the end of that little plastic stick. And now, just a year later, literally as I type this, I'm snuggling this sweet little miracle. If I didn't know better, I'd conclude that she was the miracle-worker, however, I know that she is loved and created by one instead. I truly feel that my path intentionally crossed with her husband's which eventually led my path being crossed with this incredible and talented chiropractor that specializes in fertility and, unbeknownst to her, answered prayers.

Gosh, as I write all of this down, it seriously feels like it could be a Hallmark movie. It's not though. I'm so humbled by the reality that it's my life; my life that has been blessed by an amazing God that sees and hears our requests. A God that knows the desires of our hearts and whom, I'm convinced, places them there in the first place.

Mommas, if your heart desires something, I challenge and encourage you to perseverate on that desire. Even if it seems "it would take a miracle", I'd still encourage the same. If you're a prayerful person, I would absolutely encourage you to pray about it. If you're more of an energy person, I'd encourage you to channel and focus on that energy (and I'll do the praying for you). I truly feel that desire isn't there by accident. Sometimes it may require more work, effort, time, research, and/or financial resources on our part. Pray about that too. Or, it may require the work of a stranger's wife. Either way, I know that there's a beautiful plan for each of us and I believe He uses all of his children to accomplish them. Miraculous or not, and everything in between.

In the same breath, could I challenge you to be on the other side of this equation ? How can you be a blessing to others ? How can you be someone's answered prayer ? How can you be enlisted as the miracle-worker's hands and feet ? I believe we can all make a tangible difference; and there's no better time than now.

As always, thanks for reading along. I'm so grateful for this space where I can share my thoughts and feelings. A place where, hopefully, you find a sense of community, belonging, and hope - a hope that I continue to find throughout my typical, mundane Wisconsin days. A hope turned miracle.

Until Next Time...


(Humbled) Christian Momma

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