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  • Writer's pictureChristian Momma

New Year, Same Me

Updated: Jan 21, 2020

Hi Mommas,

It’s been a minute; sorry about that ! I feel like this is how the majority of my blogs begin lately. With it being a new year, and the time to focus on our resolutions, maybe posting more often should be one of mine. And that ! actually the perfect segway into what I want to write about today.

Are you a New Year’s Resolution person ? I’m totally into people bettering themselves, however, my pastor recently took the thoughts right from my mind - I never really understood why we feel the need to wait for January. I don’t feel like it’s ever a bad time to take a step back, reset, and do better.

Because I guess I wouldn't really consider myself a “New Year’s Resolution person” (although I always seem to make some), it also drives me a little crazy, if I can be honest, when people use the phrase: “New year, New me”. I’ve mentioned in previous posts that I truly believe that God made no mistake when He created you and I; we are exactly the way He intended us to be.

I feel like I should clarify, though, that just because I feel like God created each individual to be uniquely great, he also created that ambition and desire that festers within us. I think it’s so important to tap into that potential. What is it that lights your soul on fire ? Are you working toward that fire or running from it ? Do you surround yourself with people that try to ignite that fire, or that try to extinguish it ? I guess this is where people get hooked on New Year’s Resolutions. So how about, “New year, Better me” ? Be the same you, because YOU are fabulous, but be better. And I’m not talking about being better than your co-workers, friends, or neighbors, but be a better you today than you were yesterday. “New year, same me, just a better version“. I like that much better.

I recently attended our church's Women’s Ministry monthly conference, and one of the phrases that really stuck with me seems super fitting for this time of year (as well as this blog post). Our Women’s Leader mentioned, “God saw more”. In each one of us, He saw, He sees, more. If that isn’t motivating enough, what is ? The Creator of this universe sees so much potential in you. He not only sees you crushing your 2020 New Year’s Resolutions, but every New Year Resolution that you will ever make in your life. Momma’s, we shouldn’t need any more convincing than that. So whether it be wanting to be more patient with our kiddos, more intentional with our husbands, a better friend, a more organized employee, or whatever it is that your working toward, our Heavenly Father is not only our number one fan, but He (literally) already knows that we are so capable of whatever we put our minds to. My prayers lately have not only been asking for His guidance and help with certain desires (being more patient, for example), but I’ve actually taken my requests a bit further. I’ve asked for His strength and perseverance. Again, not that I'm not good enough, but somedays, I need better. Somedays, I’m ok admitting that I don’t want “Brittney strength”, I want “God strength”. And isn’t that so great ? Isn’t that so powerful ? ...That through His promises, we can use prayer to obtain that super-human strength and power ? Man, that’s a big deal ! That’s super-hero stuff ! Count me in.

I have so many things that I want to start working on and continue working through as I move through this year. We could call them New Year’s Resolutions, if we want. What I do know, is that I will call on God to help me with what it is that I think I need and ask that He enlighten me to work on things that I may not even realize that need work and attention.

Mommas, my prayer for you is that you have the strength and courage to bring attention to the areas of your life that may need more intentionality. These may be current Resolutions, or maybe a nudge to go back to the drawing board. If you can’t find the courage within yourself, call on God and ask to borrow His. I also hope that you may find inspiration through these words that I’ve written here.

Mommas, I strongly encourage you to surround yourself with others that value growth and will support you through your’s. If that can be me, I’d love that too. I’m here, even if it’s from a distance. Let’s agree, right now, that you and I will both be intentional and do better. Let’s check in soon.

Until next time...


(Transformational) Christian Momma

*I don’t own the above picture

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