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  • Writer's pictureChristian Momma

Spiritual Closeness

Hi Mommas,

I hope this finds you well amongst all this recent illness and uncertainty. This pandemic has undoubtedly been one of the craziest things I’ve ever experienced.

I would imagine, if you’re like me, you’ve read just about all you can handle about this virus and all of its potential. Again, if you’re like me, you opened up my blog, looking forward to saturating your mind with something different, something a bit more uplifting. Well, hang on just a moment.

Although, the dreadful COVID-19 will be “discussed”, if I may, I’d encourage you to read on. My hope is that this will be much lighter than what you’ve been reading; and will leave you feeling like you're definitely not alone (literally and figuratively).

As mentioned above, these past couple of weeks have been pretty crazy for me. Our home went from being just that- a home, to being: a school, ballet studio, jungle gym, movie theatre, church, library, concert hall, and everything in between. Today was day 8 of trying to be intentional about staying home unless we absolutely needed to go somewhere. And believe me when I say... I may go crazy. Entertaining two busy kiddos with wild (yet very different) imaginations is no easy feat.

Because of my (though limited) medical background, when I first heard about the Coronavirus, I thought this was going to be similar to other epidemics we’ve experienced as a nation in the past (ie H1N1 and/or Ebola). I thought this would be a big deal for a couple weeks and then we‘d be on to the next catastrophe needing to be tackled. Never did I imagine that this would snowball into what it has.

My emotions went from “Ok, I can wash my hands for 20 seconds” to “Hmmm.. this is really serious” to my heart absolutely breaking for those who may be more susceptible and those who have personally been affected by this terrible disease in one way or another. I’ve seen various articles, videos, etc. (as I’m sure many of you have) of people that have first-hand knowledge of this terrible pandemic and all of its potential; and it absolutely breaks my heart. And... let’s be honest, it’s scary. It’s confusing. It’s times like these, however, that I am so grateful for my foundational faith. My faith undoubtedly offers me clarity and keeps me grounded in times of worry and fear, and these past couple weeks have been no exception. I feel so blessed to be a part of a Christian community that knows that God is so much bigger than all of this.

I was chatting with one of my girlfriends this week (virtually, of course) and I told her that this pandemic that we’re currently living, reminded me a lot of the Book of Exodus when God sent down various plagues amongst the people in Egypt. I would imagine that we’re experiencing some of the same exact emotions that they had, thousands of years later.

However, those that followed, served, and believed in God’s truth were being told that this was all being done to fulfill a promise; a promise that God made 400 years prior. Mommas, this is good news ! This offers so much hope. There is so much hope in knowing that we serve a God that not only makes promises, but He remembers them, and follows through on them (even if it takes a few hundred years). I have so much hope knowing that, although scary and uncertain, these times will be followed by a plan that God had in place from the very beginning.

Now, I know this doesn’t always alleviate fear. It’s hard to let go. It’s hard not to worry or at least wonder, but we can take refuge in knowing that amongst the storm, our Creator, stands in the very center of it all. He has a plan; a plan with a purpose. It’s left up to us to trust that plan and purpose.

Certainly, that’s not to discount the reality of what’s already happened, what’s happening, and what’s to come. And for that, my advice would be: pray. Pray for our “elderly” population. Pray for our immunocompromised population. Pray for those that have had their lives claimed by this terrible disease and for their families that they’ve left behind. Pray for those that have recovered. Pray for those who have yet to fight. Pray for the medical staff and first responders. Pray, pray, pray. He hears us. He is present through it all.

Mommas, if I could, I would encourage you to use this time as an opportunity to draw nearer to our God. While we’re all heeding the advice of “social distancing”, let’s, in turn, exercise “spiritual closeness”. Remain in conversation with Him. Tell Him your fears and concerns. Ask Him the questions, even the hard ones. He hears and listens. You don’t need to shoulder this on your own.

And, just a reminder, if you‘re a rule-follower, you should be at least 6 feet from the person nearest you, however, your Heavenly Father knows no distance. He’s as close as he’s always been.

Stay healthy, Mommas.

Until next time...


(Close) Christian Momma

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